Tuesday, October 11, 2011

my "me"ness

How is it that at every turn life ends up about me?  My "me"ness is seeping from every pore of my being.  In the early hours of the morning I lay in bed talking to my God, my mind and heart focused on Him.  As I slide out from under the covers and gravity grabs my toes as they touch the carpet the "me"ness shows up.  My focus is so very short sighted.  My schedule, my wants, likes, dislikes, desires, even my worries, my concerns and discomforts.  My "me"ness is not pretty.  I desire Him, but have a hard time letting go of me.  Putting my "me"ness on the alter, sacrificing all that I am.  moment by moment.  These are the transforming moments.  When I am reminded that it is not about me at all.  Transformation in my life seems to happen in small bits.  My God is patient and lovingly transforms me moment by moment.  To Him be all the glory!

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